TheEDGE's third full-length release, "Holding Nothing Back" is a fresh declaration of freedom and surrender, and the cry of a generation to see God move in power.
Written and recorded during a time of lockdown, many of these songs set up significant moments of encounter for young people all around the world.
Select your favourite digital platform to stream Holding Nothing Back now!
TheEDGE is the weekly youth service of Victory Family Centre, Singapore. Each week, TheEDGE band leads hundreds of young people in worship, believing that they can encounter the presence of God and be transformed by His power.
Our heart is to resource young people and youth ministries with tools that will help them worship. Here, you will find links to demos, albums, backing tracks, chord sheets, and other resources that will equip you to go to a new level in your worship.
NO more hiding
Our 2nd full length album is finally out! Our prayer is that these songs will lead young people into encounters with God that will empower them to change their generation. It is available on all major digital stores such as Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, and more. You can access it by clicking on the digital stores icon. You can also download our backing tracks and our scores under the resources and music book icon respectively.
Our Latest Music Video "Yours", recorded LIVE at TheEDGE is also available below!
"All To You" is our first full-length album and is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and most major online stores.
Here, you will find downloads for the album's digital booklet, music book with chord sheets, and backing tracks. We hope you will find these useful for yourself and your youth ministry.